Comprehensive Guide Book on Parquetry Flooring in Melbourne

One of the most favoured choices of flooring in the modern days is Parquetry Flooring in Melbourne. Hardwood flooring of this type is different from its conventional flooring as it is made up of small boards of timber. This intricacy makes it easier to create different designs. Unlike uniform hardwood floors which can only be laid side by side, parquet flooring can be laid out in different patterns to make a beautiful mosaic-like design. However, some homeowners would still prefer hardwood flooring over parquet flooring because it creates a minimalistic effect. Installing standard timber flooring is also less meticulous than conventional flooring because of the average size of the floorboards. Regarding durability, there is no difference between the parquet flooring and solid timber flooring.

Costing -

The cost of parquet flooring depends on the quality of the material for Parquetry Flooring in Melbourne. The most expensive form of parquet flooring is solid parquet. It is made of solid wood pieces which makes it more durable. The cost per sqm for solid parquet ranges from $15-$25. The price depends on the type of wood used. The more affordable style of parquet flooring is panel parquet. This style of timber flooring is made of a hardwood veneer adhered to a ply board. The cost of the panel parquet is around $3 per square meter. Whether your budget for your flooring is big or small, there is a type of parquet flooring will suit your home.

There are endless ways to design Parquetry Flooring in Melbourne. If you are an avid DIY fan and would like to do the installation yourself, then projects related to this type of flooring are perfect for you. However, if you are inexperienced, it will be sensible if you simply decide on the design that you want and have a professional install it for you. The more different patterns you can create with parquet flooring shows that this type of flooring is extremely versatile.


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